15 gardening tips for June

Summer’s here and it’s the best time of year to be out in the garden, with flowers blooming, bees buzzing and long days to enjoy it all! Keep your garden looking fabulous this summer with our top 15 gardening tips for June.

  1. Fill pots and hanging baskets with summer bedding plants for fantastic colour that will last for months. Geraniums, petunias and lobelia love sunny spots and impatiens and begonias are great for shady spots. Feed your hanging baskets and containers with NurseryLand 16-10-10 Container Food and watch your flowers bloom all summer long! as this slow-release formula only needs one application every 6 months! 
  2. If you haven't already, harden off and plant pumpkins, beans, squash, zucchini and tomatoes.
  3. Keep on sowing salad greens, beetroot, and carrots to give you a supply all through summer.
  4. Feed your tomatoes! We highly recommend NurseryLand 5-10-5 Tomato Food with Calcium. Why? Calcium sets this fertilizer apart from the rest and will provide your tomatoes with the ideal nutrients to grow abundant and fully-formed fruit, as well as prevent blossom end rot while expanding its root system and enhancing pollen germination. Just use once a month until harvest as this slow-release format means your plant will be getting a bite to eat every time you water! Simply spread 30g (2 tbsp) around the base of the plant.
  5. First early potatoes should be ready to harvest this month. Dig up one or two first to check how big they are, and if they’re too small, let them grow for a few more weeks.

    15 gardening tips for June
  6. Harvest garlic and onion once the leaves turn yellow and start to flop over.
  7. Net strawberries as they start to ripen so that the birds don’t get to them before you can enjoy them.
  8. Weeds grow fast in summer, so keep them under control. On dry days, run a hoe or rake over the soil to cut down annual weeds and leave them on the soil to wither.
  9. Deadhead repeat-flowering roses and pick sweet peas regularly so that they will keep on flowering all summer.
  10. Once hardy geraniums have finished flowering, cut them back to promote a flush of new foliage and flowers.
  11. Give wisteria its summer prune by cutting back all this year’s long whippy shoots to around 20cm long.
  12. Mow the lawn regularly, but in long spells of dry weather, mow less often and on a higher blade setting to reduce stress on the grass. If you have space, leave an area of lawn uncut to provide a home for insects and other garden wildlife.

    15 gardening tips for June
  13. Prune summer-flowering shrubs like Philadelphus (mock orange), Weigela, and Forsythia once they’ve finished flowering. Cut back the flowered shoots to strong buds lower down and removing one in every 3-4 old stems to encourage new growth.
  14. Trim evergreen hedges to keep them neat, but always check first to make sure you aren’t disturbing any nesting birds.
  15. Water in the early mornings or evenings to reduce water loss through evaporation, and install waterbutts to conserve rainwater for use on the garden.

Whether you’re planting, weeding or simply relaxing in a deck chair, you’ll find everything you need in our centre, so pay us a visit soon!
